Sunday, March 16, 2008

thoughts and more thoughts

sometimes i wonder how can some people be so explicit in expressing their feelings and love towards their partners in blogs, msn nicks and such. reading some of these mushy posts, i find myself smiling at such sweetness i can never portray so publicly. i was watching this episode on october road in which a girl wishes that wormholes and parallel universe really exist, and that there're many other versions of her in other universes doing things she'd never be in her life.

and i secretly shared her thoughts.

maybe from the way i was brought up, showing affection openly was never a common thing even among immediate family members. and i really wonder how it would feel to be one of those girls who'd admit not only to herself but everyone else in the planet with all the trust in her heart that she's fallen head over heels for a guy, like a blog entry from one of my dearest friends:

I believe good things come to those who wait.I'll be waiting wake up to your morning kisses and your warm hugs again.Someday.Somewhere.Soon

such immense optimism, warmth and faith that it scares me a little haha

anyway, i decided to treat myself to a book after earning a bit from my past freelance jobs. I watched the movie on cinema before and fell in love almost instantly with the simple black and white illustrations which convey so much underlying meanings. a classic example of less is more. unfortunately, the illustrations in the book were more comical and simplistic as compared to the movie. i love it nonetheless :) presenting to you, persepolis!

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