Sunday, August 03, 2008

am i advertising for a husband in friendster or what?!

ok, i do get the occasional hi's and can we be friends messages, but this guy, he has certainly raised the bar:

good evening .just back home from work.eaten . how day for you ? drink plenty of water.mind be a friend ?.let me intro myself first ... Andy tian yi here, 23yrs old Singapore Chinese guy , height 1.72m n weight 60kg .Short profile of myself. Single.completed army last year sep . wrking in sale line for coke. Tend to care for others more. Tend to put others in first place be4 me. Tend to be truthful to others .wrking hard and hope to get my car licence so can drive mitsubishi lancer .love to eat dim sum and drink Soya bean.hardly club , maybe once a year ,no smoke .do sincerely hope you give me chance to know you more.sometime do help out in housechores . tend to always help others .always tend to care for others .do hope you give me a chance to let me know you more.hi . as i seldom log on to friendtser as my friendster got some problem . you can sms me at 82226779 if you don mind de .do sincerely hope you able to recieve your sms .next time am i allowed bring you go malaysia eat nice food ?do sincerely hope you give me a chance to know you more .

its my loss, really


Unknown said...

omg, what are you waiting for!?!

melannieyeo said...

haha idiot