something irked me this morning on my way to work,
a flyer
and not just any flyer, but a PINK flyer saying 'there's actually something called FREE LUNCH'
and at the bottom of it, 'we're providing free lunch for the next 11 Tuesdays!'
i grew really suspicious, well, not that i wanted the free lunches anyway, and turned to the back of the flyer.
and my suspicion was justified as i glanced through the text and picked two words which more or less say everything about the flyer- God and bible
this is something that i really dont understand about Singapore, why is there such a dire need to convert people into Christianity? so much that people are using, in my opinion, shameful ways like free lunches to lure people to believe in Christ. I find that disgusting. I think even Christ himself will feel embarrased.
Seriously, just let people stumbled upon Him themselves. He knows what He's doing
i have to disagree with you on a few things u mention. why are free lunches disgusting? why is it shameful? people who provide free lunches are shameful or people who go for free lunches are shameful? perhaps it is the skeptical and cynical mindset of singaporeans, or malaysian in your case, which gave this act of sharing and generosity a very distrustful nuance. I do not think this is the prob with singapore. i think the failure to appreciate any act of kindness and goodwill is the result of cynicism prevalent in our current society.
It really depends on how we read this. A bait? A lure? carrot and stick? a sincere goodwill which requires the providers of free lunch to part with their hard earned money so that they can serve their neighbours and society? I dont think they deserve such cynicism from you. unless you think providing free lunches to people is not a big deal and you dont mind doing that for the benefit of people who actually might need the free lunches.
but then again, the way they promote this thing with their slogan is quite demeaning to this whole act of giving. i can understand why u might be disgusted. enjoy your day!
i think you're missing out my point in your first comment.
firstly, there's nothing shameful about both people who provide and go for free lunches. of course i give them credit for their act of kindness, especially if these free lunches can actually feed some of the poor and hungry.
What i find SHAMEFUL is that the 'act of kindness' doesnt just stop just there. Cos after the lunches, preachings about God and Christianity would start, and people would start approaching you with a contact list to fill. and suddenly u'll realise that, hey, so its not just a free lunch. its a free lunch with INTENTIONS. and seriously, why do we have to make the conversion to christianity like a bait? like what you mentioned in your second comment, 'the way they promote this thing with their slogan is quite demeaning to this whole act of giving' which i simply can't agree more.
secondly, are you merely defending your country, or you think this way of conversion is actually practised everywhere else with the exact same fervour? cos i might be wrong, i havent travelled enough to see how Christians from elsewhere approach their 'victims'.frankly, as much as the fanatics think that by approaching everyone non-christian with such enthusiasm can actually influence their mindsets, they're wrong. I've heard countless stories of people criticising and avoiding Christianity because of their way of approach. And i dont think this should be the way how the religion to be perceived.
once again, i have nothing against people who provide free lunches for the sake of helping people, but i think that people who provides free lunches with implied intentions, especially in this case, demeans the whole genuine and sincere Christian act of giving
once again, this is just what i feel about the issue, using my right to freedom of speech. definitely not trying to spark any tension or whatsoever and i'm sorry if i've offended anyone out there.
have a good day too!
agree with mel totally..
haha hence they contradict themselves - there IS no such thing as a free lunch
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