Thursday, September 30, 2010


one of the things i believe in life is definitely the darwin's theory of evolution. not too long ago, i found a book in my bf's room which explains the origins of our facial expressions. as we all know, all our expressions are controlled by muscles and of course our jaws. so long before the muscles and jaws evolved to what we have today (approximately 520 million years ago?), we are essentially faceless marine creatures called the Pikaia (so we're not solely the descendants of the apes). It looks like the empty plastic case of a biro pen with an opening on one end that was able to inhale water and sift out food particles. with that, we are thus able to form some conclusions that the most primitive feature of our face is the mouth. it makes sense actually, for survival is the main reason why we still exist and no one can survive without food.

based on the theory of evolution, i also believe that the male species have changed over the past few decades. there was a time when chivalry was perceived almost like an innate etiquette which need not be taught and there was also a time when men acted as if women owe it to them for their existence in this world. often enough we are being told that women are complicated and difficult to understand while men are the complete opposite. well, i beg to differ. perhaps there was a time when they were simpler and easier to understand but they have evolved, most if not all. the distinctions between men and women, hormones and reproduction organs aside, are becoming increasingly blurred as their thoughts and intentions are now more difficult to comprehend. during the casual chats with my girlfriends, our conversations usually revolve around the difficulties in understanding certain actions or inactions performed by a certain male company and i wonder whether it is possible that one day, the roles will be reversed where women will take on the role of being the simpler and easier to understand counterpart.

and it is all in the name of EVOLUTION

p/s: just to clarify, this is NOT me lashing out at my bf after a heated argument

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