Tuesday, September 23, 2014

So I turned 30 today...

What do i have to say about that? Why is turning 30 a bigger deal than turning 20? Is it because of society's perception that once you reach 30, you have to really start being an adult? Is it a significant milestone in our lives where we measure our success and satisfaction through the growth and progress we have gained in our career? Even our biological clock is tuned to this number, fertility rates drop drastically when we make the leap from our 20s to our 30s. Why is turning 30 such a big deal?

I have no idea. My guess is that turning 30 is like being the patty of a burger. You are in the middle, sandwiched by the top and bottom buns. You give flavour to the otherwise bland taste of the buns, they depend on you for identity. If the taste of the patty is delicious and well-balanced, there you have a great burger. If the patty is rotten or uncooked, the burger will be thrown away.

You have reached the stage where people can depend on you, be it financially and emotionally. You raise your kids and at the same time you take care of your aging parents. The happiness of your family depends on how well you carry out your duties and responsibilities as the middle generation in supporting your top and bottom buns. Turning 30 does not mean that you have to take on these 'expectations' overnight, it merely plants a seed of thought that you have to start planning for it.

My parents mean the world to me, and I am sure everyone would say the same about their parents. The sacrifice they went through in raising my sister and i are unsurpassable, and I can proudly say every success I have achieved in life I owe it to them. So turning 30 to me means that it is time for my parents to start enjoying their lives. It is time for my husband and I to have kids of our own and raise them to make the world a better place to live in. It is time for me to be a delicious patty.

I am indeed thankful for what I have been blessed with throughout the 3 decades in my life. I am surrounded by a loving husband, supportive family and friends who are always there for me whenever I need them. I have been blessed with a good life, good education and a good career path which I have chosen (and sometimes regret. It has always been a love-hate relationship with this one). I used to be really ambitious snd competitive in nature, I set goals for myself to achieve within a specific period of time and would be really disappointed when things did not go my way. However, I have learnt to care less about whether I am on the right track or whether I am at the point where I had initially planned for myself to be. Rather, I am beginning to enjoy the process of just life and its unpredicatable turns.

I guess that is all I have to say about turning 30. Be a one-of-a-kind delicious patty that is absolutely mind-blowing and enjoy all the goodness that flows from it!

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